After being out rightly rejected and ditched by his life time crush Flavia Tumusiime, it now seems like talented local musician Alexander Bagonza A.k.a Apass has found another super hot looking babe to crush on and that is none other done BBS Tv presenter Diana Nabatazi.

Apass who has not been very lucky when it comes to convincing beautiful women in the matters of love is often seen stalking Diana’s Instagram account with lovey dovey comments.

The ‘Chupa ku Chupa’ hit maker’s Instagram activity on Diana’s account has already raised suspicion among keen fans with a section of them questioning his intentions.

On one of the hot pictures that Diana posted on Instagram with a caption ”Abanoonya mwena banange nze nkyali MASAKA. Wishing you a lovely weekend” ,Apass is seen commenting with a simple ‘Wow’ message instantly raising suspicions among his followers.

Whether or not Apass has finally found his next crush remains to be seen but the initial tell and tell signs make us to think some thing is fishy

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below