A man who allegedly claimed to be a son to the late City tycoon Don Ivan Ssemwanga has been shamed after DNA results were released yesterday showing that he has no single biological connection to the late money bags

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Kawere Rashid who vividly has a striking resemblance to the fallen socialite was subjected to DNA tests by clan members after coming out mid last year with unverified claims that he is a son to Ivan Semwanga

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Although Rashid was recognized as part of the rich family during Ivan Pinto’s (Semwanga’s eldest son) inheritance ceremony at the beginning of the month the clan head stressed out that he would only be taken as a son if the DNA results turned out positive

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Well it now seems all those promises have been washed down the drain since the results which were released yesterday from MBN hospital show that Brian has no single connection with Ivan Ssemwanga

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”Rshid has no single connection with Ivan Ssemwanga. The doctors checked up to 29 samples none was found mtaching. We have have tried to call him up hear to give him the news but keeps dodging us” One of Ivan Semewanga’s relatives explained in an interview

Listen to the Audio by one of Ivan Ssemwanga’s fathers