By Chris Mabonga

At the beginning of the year we ran an exclusive investigative story on how Hamisa Mobeto and Don Zella, CEO Gal power Party ganged up and hired professional ‘Juju’ services of renowned City Witch Mama Fina all in the name of breaking Zari’s relationship with then boyfriend Diamond Platinumz.

Don Zella a top City socialite who desperately created self-imposed ‘beef’ with Zari was cunning enough to lure Hamisa Mobetto (one of Diamond’s baby mamas) by her side and even went ahead convince the light skinned Tanzanian vixen to use Mama Fina’s magic in order to break the love between Diamond and Zari.

The easily gullible Hamisa was very excited about this daring proposal and even offered to come support Don Zella on her annual Gal Power Party which was by the way held on the same date with the White Party, an annual fan’s party Zari organizes for her followers at the end of every year.

It is during this time in December that Don Zella and Hamisa Mobetto met secretly with Mama Fina and the renowned City Witch mixed the best charm to disorganize the power couple.

Indeed it didn’t take too long before things started falling apart for Zari. The once remorseful Diamond started cheating on the mother of his kids left, right and center without even giving a damn whether the eagle eyed paparazzi’s were watching him. He had suddenly lost the love for Zari but in actual sense this was Mama Fina’s power at work here.

During the meet up Hamisa emphasized that she wanted Diamond all for her self to which Mama Fina promised to work on as well.

In the recent turn of events, Diamond has been spotted several times more inclined towards Hamisa to an extent of making Ex Wema Sepetu jealousy when he publicly hugged and praised Hamisa during the movie awards ceremony held in Tanzania.

Well there you go.Don Zella and Hamisa Mobeto are finally winning their ill intended game.