Fifi Da Queen Doesn’t Know The Father Of Her Kid—Nose Pocking Lugambo Master Eddie Sendi Goes Bares knuckles On Bukedde TV Presenter

Just when Fifi Da Queen is still fighting hard to ignore the weekly dose of cow dung smear from Ex-bonkmate Suudiman, then comes self-proclaimed music critic Eddie Sendi with another jaw-dropping revelation on the renowned TV personality.

Fifi Da Queen
Fifi Da Queen

It should be remembered that before Fifi met her current husband Fab Love, she already had a child from another man and according to Sendi, the celebrated TV star doesn’t know who the real father of her kid is.

Sendi went ahead to sarcastically claim that if it is true Fifi knows the father of her kid, then he is willing to provide money for a DNA test just to disprove the narrative. ’’Fifi doesn’t know who the real father of her kid is.If she claims otherwise am willing to provide money for DNA testing’’ Sendi said