On air Radio personalities Brian Mulondo and Malaika Nyanzi might have gone to Chobe Safari Lodge to fulfill their professional responsibilities after reaching an agreement with the country side Spar to promote it on social media but their closeness and chemistry while on holiday is what turned most people’s heads

While at Chobe Safari lodge Malaika and Brian had all the fun there is on earth with each passing day the pair constantly updating their fans how good a time they had at the country side lodge.

Just when we thought we had seen enough of the pair’s closeness, then Malaika Shared a video of herself with Brian swimming at close proximity sparking off an array of questions from people with many wondering what a married man like Mulondo would be doing next to a sexy lady like Malaika in a swimming pool.

‘’Hope u guys don’t cheat on your partners’’ a one ainemukamasilagi commented on one of the videos Malaika shared on instagtram
