The Kanungu district woman MP , Elizabeth Karungi has been dragged to court for allegedly poisoning a parliamentary receptionist.

It is alleged that Karungi poisoned Donna Kamuli at Café Pap Restaurant along Parliament avenue on the 1st of September 2018.

Prosecution alleges that using a waitress, Karungi administered poison in a mineral water bottle to Donna Kamuli, whom she suspected of having an affair with her estranged husband Allan Kamugisha.

Kamuli claims that on the fateful afternoon she received a phone a call from the MP asking her to meet at the Restaurant for a woman to woman talk.

She further claims that the MP narrated to her how her husband was seeing a fairly young brown lady whom he picks from a hotel in Makerere Kikoni and drops at Parliament. She goes on to claim that the MP also disclosed that she had put a price of 20 million shillings for people to trail and kill that young woman.

Through her lawyer Ladislous Rwakafuuzi,  Kamuli  is now asking  court to order MP Karungi to pay her damages for causing  permanent damage to her intestines , eyes and the entire nervous system.