Latest info on our mighty gossip desk indicates that a section of fans are not happy with singer King Saha for stealing the late Mowzey Radio’s songs.

Image result for king saha and radio


According to the fans under ‘Radio Military Force’ umbrella, King Saha has found a habit of redoing the songs which Radio left in various music recording studios before he died earlier this year.

They have point out his brand new single, ‘Bambi’ and ‘Mpa Love’ Ft Weasel Manizo which they say were all Radio’s works.

Image result for king saha and radio

And with this the group has released a poster with threatening words warning Saha off the deceased’s songs.

Fans warn King Saha off Mowzey's songs

Meanwhile we have tried to contact King Saha for a comment but his known digits were off by the time we published this article.

We shall keep you posted!