Renown veteran Journalist Andrew Mwenda continues to surprise a lot people with his efforts to sound different and intelligent from others.

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Yesterday the motor mouthed CEO for the independent magazine struggled to convince people with his incomprehensible notion of how corruption is good for developing countries like Uganda.

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While making an appearance on NBS’s political talks show the front line Mwenda labored to make his point understood when he explained how corruption holds poor countries like Uganda together.”There’s no evidence that the existence of corruption ever stopped a country from developing. Corruption is the way political systems in poor countries work. I’m convicted that if you removed corruption from this country, it ’d collapse because it that holds this country. One of the biggest problems for this country is the dominance of external forces in our economy, corruption is a very small issue” Andrew Mwenda said

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Do you agree with Andrew’s bizarre notion that corruption is good for Uganda?