Having seen Tanzanian super star Diamomd Platinumz borrow a leaf from the now viral people power movement by using the red berets in his brand new video ‘Tetema’, singer Big size Bebe Cool seems to have looked for a way to counter Bobi Wine’s ever growing influence.

And as such the Gagamel chief has recruited struggling podium musicians King Micheal and DJ Micheal to join the Silent Majority movement.

The ‘Wasibukawa’ hit maker also brought on board the infamous ‘minister of condolence’ Catherine Kusasira to help push and promote the silent majority brand.

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people sitting

Whether or not Bebe’s silent Majority will achieve a great milestone internationally  like it’s sister movement people power has done in the past few months remains to be seen.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor