Probably one of the leading root cause of break ups is when a guy has a relatively weak animal and poor bedroom skills besides cheating and being stingy.
It is on record world over, barely no babe can stand it when her guy cannot hit it skillfully, right, left, center. Even if he owns a fleet of jaw dropping rides, Yatch, mansions and a fat bank account, his babe will run away with a guy who can blow her mind with hot romps.

Back here in UG, our celebrities have faced real hell in their relationships, leading to unwanted and untimely break ups. In this article, we reveal top celebrities who have allegedly failed to rear their animals pretty well.
Babes love him and he can bed any if he wishes due to his charming ways but truthfully God cannot give you everything. He is a huge disappointment according to babes who have ever washed his boxers. He is one of those guys with a tired wire in town.
This one became a laughing stock amongst city babes and slay queens when they witnessed his index finger-like wire in a sex tape last year. All the babes who fantasized to date him because of his dime were left heartbroken and cursing. Now days barely no one cares or even have appetite for him.
He makes them dance with his breathtaking jams but cannot actually transform into something tangible in bed. One his ex’s labelled him a disgrace and advised him to make Mulondo, rim vigor and Musongala nkuyege a daily meal to up his game in bed. He has the looks and the body every babe probably dies for but no work! He was once dumped by his official babe mama.
Fresh in rhyming and dropping hit after hit but at least not in bed! Since his rise to stardom, Fik was linked to one teenage female TV star. The pair reportedly chewed themselves but Fik’s performance between the sheets was a lukewarm. Reportedly he couldn’t last for even 5 minutes in the game and he was dumped miserably. Now the TV star is dating a rich guy with superior bedroom skills.
The ‘boy so tender’ makes babes go wild whenever is performing on stage but he has on of the lowest batteries in the country. He was once introduced by ex lover but with in 2 months the rosy relationship hit a dead end. Ever since then he has failed to get a replacement who can stand his weak animal.
If we start talking about this one, hoooo! we might not finish….Kat is now nursing a broken heart due to same reasons. His four years relationship with fiance up to now is still hanging in balance. He is a king but not in bed…he is lover boy but that has not been enough to tame and cage the already stressed and starving babe. Kat has tried to hunt for himself but all in vain.
The list is still loading…..
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.