The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has today, made her first public appearance having been MIA (Missing in Action) for over a month.

The workaholic speaker, who is also Kamuli District Woman MP today, bounced back to normal business dressed in a checkered Green, purple and yellow ‘Kitengi’.

She launched the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference website in her boardroom.

The launch of the website is one of the activities slated ahead of the upcoming 64th Commonwealth parliamentarians’ conference taking place in Kampala from 23-29th September 2019 under the theme: “Adaptation, Engagement and Evolution of Parliaments in a Rapidly Changing Commonwealth.”

Parliament, in a statement attributed Kadaga’s sickness to “hectic work schedule, fatigue and jet lag” and was subsequently admitted at Nakasero Hospital before she was flown to Agha Khan Hospital, Nairobi where she returned from Nairobi on April 13 and has been resting from her home in Kampala.

Despite looking frail, Kadaga maintained her signature smile and inquisitively paid attention to every detail on the newly launched Commonwealth conference website. She continuously gestured, grinned at the MPs on the organizing committee as though she was not returning from a sickbed. She thanked the almighty God for enabling her to bounce back.

“I thank God that He has enabled me come back on time to launch Commonwealth conference website,” Kadaga said.

Kadaga explained that the website  will help facilitate interaction and also provide a guide to the about 1000 delegates who are expected to attend.