When former presidential press secretary and controversial media personality ‘Omukenkufu’ Tamle Mirundi appeared on a local Radio station and told listeners that he was about to release a book titled ‘Abanyampi’ , alot of people thought he was mad and had no ball to release it.

Well guess what? the book is finally out and is already selling like hot cake. In the book Tamale gives an example of the head of the clan or a senior family memeber who mistakenly gases but because of the prestige and respect he holds among his people, no one will come out to accuse him of spoiling the air but instaed the blame will be laid on the younger ones thus terming them ‘Abanyampi’

Tamale Mirundi goes on to relate and coin his classic example to the dirty money dealings in government where the big shots use naive and young employees to steal huge chunks of money on their behalf.

When things finally go the wrong way, the real big shots and master minders of theft are left Scot free while the the naive and younger employees get implicated in mind boggling financial scandals

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below