Kampala is the largest city in UG with the highest number of night spots. But have you ever been keen about the particular city clubs where desperate babes hunt for loaded and horny dudes?

The truth is that the number of generous babes in night clubs is on a rapid rise. Why should a woman past 30 years or even 40 years go to party in a nightclub till dawn?
Hmm well some might have their own reasons, but for today let’s have a look at some of the renowned Kampala night clubs where desperate women hunt for men, for all manner of reasons, of course.
1. Club Amnesia;
Most of the babes here go there during Deejay Nimrod’s Single’s Nights. Actually one of the generous babe recently made lady a sincere confession. ” You know what if you are free tonight pass by Amnesia tonight…there’s beef already for you but be very smart…”. she cautioned.
2. Nyondo Club;
This is another perfect spot along Entebbe Road of free babes hunting for big cassava. Reggae tunes are what bring them here too.
3. Wave Lounge;
Wave Lounge is one of those places in the City where you will find ‘Sures’, ready for your offer to buy them a drink and later own quench your thirst.
4. Guvnor;
Most guys who go to Club Guvnor are mature and loaded. They perhaps go there to cast the finishing net just to change diet. So automatically cash and big cassava crashing babes are always lurking.
5. Cassablanca;
Surprisingly, horny dudes hunting for babes with a fine taste for Nigerians and Congolese would rather go to this night spot in Kololo because that’s where they will find their perfect catch.
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
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