Last week on Friday the world came to know that socialite Zari Hassan and TV girl, Anita Fabiola are Fri-enemies.
Their beef overshadowed the would be massive Miss Uganda pageant as they stole the show. Now we all that Zari is one of those ladies who shines without trying…her name needs no introduction.

Fabiola on the other hand is a ‘finished article’ in the eyes of many people out there making her a direct threat to the self-styled Boss Lady.
Since they both have a huge following, their ardent disciples have taken sides following a mega clash that nearly broke the internet.
Well, this automatically calls for a death match…who is better between the two stunning ladies?
Below is the weighing scale!
1. Goddess & Cocacola Bottle figure;

Well believe us or not, Zari cannot compete! From head to chest, the Boss Lady is a pure angel but hey, Fabiola is a finished article. Her body is well balanced with breathtaking curves. Zee 20% V Fab 80%
2. The Real Boss Chick;

Damn! Even the Most High can crucify me if a discredit Zari. She is a field marshal who has used what she has to get what she doesn’t have. For Fab, she is an upcoming boss chick who wants to be like Mama…No man-name tagged along but that can not save her. Zee 90% V Fab 10%
3. Man Eater;

Hohoho! this seems to be a one sided massacre for Zari being the fact that those who have ever cultivated her wetlands well known but hey! Fabiola has also swallowed countless big cassava at a younger age. She is still going strong. Zee 70% V Fab 30%
4. Sultry Personality;
Still at her age which she keeps as top secret, Zari is a trap queen. She is a perfectly seasoned sexy mama who effortlessly attracts King Baes like Masaka Grasshoppers. She stands out! To be very honest, Fabiola just tries. Zee 65% V Fab 35%
5. Drama Queen;

Zari is a real deal here! Her name is full of massive controversy. She is one of those ladies ladies in region who make news without even saying a word. Fabiola’s name doesn’t sound beyond Kampala…she is some how a silent burner. Zee 85% V Fab 15%.
6. Ardent Disciples;
Well, Fabiola’s fans are more reserved and not loyal enough to fight her battles that we can all agree. But Zari’s army is too passionate even when she apparently feed them with nothing. They have fought her battles and winning them instantly. To her fans, Zari is ever right! If you doubt ask Judith Heard, Huddah, Mobeto and Don Zella. She is the most followed female socialite in the region with over 6 million followers on Instagram. Zee 95% V Fab 5%
7. Bedroom Skills;
Hahaha! Who can really compare a lioness to a Zebra? To be precise Zari is a field marshal between the sheets. Her remarkable bedroom skills have enabled her corner loaded guys. She even has fruits to show ( mother of 5). Fabiola on the other hand seems to be a killer but shy. Zee 75% V Fab 25%.
8. Sexiness

Well, if you didn’t know what sexiness means here is a simple definition; the quality of being exciting, appealing, sexually attractive or alluring. Any doubts? Ask Mr. Google. It doesn’t matter the body size but how you murder and melt the snow in the guy’s trousers. Here the race is tight! Zee 30% V Fab 70%
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.