Facebook and all social media platforms are full of drama! On those streets, you find advisers, lawyers, counselors and in-laws full of wisdom.

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They can’t let anyone die silently as they offer whatever they can to troll, ridicule or even save a soul. After learning that it is no more for Kenzo-Rema relationship, people are not resting…they want to help Musuuza!

In many of the comments on Kenzo’s Facebook post, one of the concerned followers, Abdul Karim advised him to take heart and listen to one Of Bobi Wine’s song, ‘Wesotinge’. “i have no words for u now but listen to Wesotinge from Bobi Wine”, Karim commented.


For starters, this is the same song Bobi sung for Bebe Cool when Zuena tempted to ditch him in 2008.

In this song the Ghetto gladiator advised Bebe to man up and solve his marriage issues inside the bedroom. The advised surely worked for the Gagamel chief as Zuena finally popped back home.

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Now the follower wants Kenzo to follow suit. However, Rema seems to have moved on for good as she already planning to introduce her new man officially on 1st, November.