Super talented vocalist  Kiggundu Bruno a.k.a Bruno  has just left his female fans on twitter baffled after posing a rare picture of his dark hand

For starters Bruno K is a Brown guy and logically speaking any one would expect that all his external body parts are brown in colour but debate was aroused on social media when he posted a picture of his bruised dark hand.

Bruno K was narrating a story of how his Ex- girl friend once cut his hand with a knife after reading flirting messages he had with a fan on whats App

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As a way of proving that he was injured by his Ex-girlfriend ,Bruno K took a picture of his dark hand and then posted on Facebook

Since Bruno K is a light skinned guy ,alot of his female followers on twitter began thinking that the singer could have secretly  bleached as the hand he posted on the timeline was dark in color


”Whose hand is dis???? D Bruno k I know is brown”  a one KT Bulooti wondered

A one Panadol Aspirin also joined the list asking ”So Bruno K has been bleaching all along”

Bruno k continued to face it rough as a one cognition said ”The hand looks like has done some stone quarrying”