The journey is a long and tough one, however, there will always be an Oasis at the end of all deserts. The steps that are to be revealed to you are not for the faint-hearted as few have been known not to make it out alive. Hearts have been broken, enemies conjured and balls have broken to achieve the perfect formula. Each of the steps presented must be done with extreme precision and accuracy as the side effects have been found to be dire and in some cases irredeemable.
Prime Requirement
One needs a bro, sis or a well-paid stranger for the first step as it requires them to hold you firm and steadily placed for what shall happen. He or she must be of your more desirable gender as it is essential for this delicate maneuver. This chosen individual must have full knowledge of the procedure in order for the technique to be applied with the delicacy it requires. This bro, sis or well-paid stranger must have no attachment to your desired mate as this may result in ball bashing for guys or broken hearts for the ladies.
The best clothes in your access that compliment your backside
Balls of steel
STEP 1; Both of you must stand in close proximity to the target. Close enough for them to hear, smell, and see the maneuver in action.
STEP 2. You shall take a position that hides your face from the target, however, one that compliments your look and general appearance. In other words, your backside must be dressed to kill. Now, here comes the essential step that must not be fluttered in any way as it might bring you extreme shame in later procedures. Failure in step 2 is one that cannot be tolerated. You shall ask bro, sis, or highly paid stranger to being your Valentine date in the most romantic manner. Creativity matters at this step as words that can be heard, gestures and smell will bias your target into dreaming you up as the perfect Valentine. A small warning to go with this, as you must know that you are to be rejected. Bro, sis or highly paid stranger shall reject you in the most gruesome manner possible so as to score pity points from your target. If cleverly and clearly executed, step three must be a breeze.
STEP 3. You shall get physically disappointed and wait for your partner to leave while letting your target digest the situation. A maximum of 5 seconds is required for this since exceeding the given time limit results in common sense coming in your way.
This is the point when you shall turn to your target, who has undisputedly witnessed each of these events and ask them to be your Valentine date. Presence of pity points, a hint of dopamine from the little drama, and norepinephrine (love hormone conjured up by the illusion of perfection you’ve created), you’ll be able to punch in with a bit of adrenaline to conclude the maneuver with an automatic yes.
At this point, the target should not be left to think as this will result in them backing out. Use the chance to get their phone number and possibly their address.
Finally, make a decent run for the hills as this robs them of the opportunity to rethink their decision.
Caution; if it doesn’t work, your Valentine target is probably picked. So you will probably be saved from dealing with that mess.
Sapiosexual & Ambivert