The Prime Minister of Uganda, Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda has distanced himself from reports alleging that he was involved with the top government officials in the corrupt act of purchasing food relief at an inflated price of UGX. 52bn meant for Ugandans affected by the lockdown.

The fraudsters reportedly ignored other suppliers and hand-picked firms to deliver food, among them is the now controversial tender by Aponye (U) Limited owned Apollo Nyegamehe a tycoon based in Kabale.

Rugunda posted in a tweet on Thursday night neither him nor the President and First lady had a hand in the selection of a firm to supply Maize flour and beans.

The tweet reads ;

“I would like to inform you all that this is absolutely not true. It should be ignored and treated with contempt it deserves. Neither the First Lady, not the President contacted me about Aponye or any other company to supply posho and beans. Therefore, I dismiss these fabrications”.

The State House Anti-corruption on Thursday kicked out four corrupt officials from the Office of the Prime Minister-OPM for reportedly inflating prices of Maize and beans in the procurement process.

Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema the head of the Anti-corruption unit at State House confirmed their arrests and said they would help aid in ongoing investigations.

Among the syndicate that has been slashed include PS Christine Guwatudde Kintu, Accounting Officer Mr. Joel Wanjala, Assistant Commissioner Procurement Fred Lutimba, and the Commissioner disaster management Martin Owor.

They were busted in an operation carried out by the Anti-Corruption team and Criminal Investigations Division-CID.