Now days, many social media users hardly text messages in full. Many times when you chat with your bae, boo or pals, you see some abbreviations you don’t know and quickly runs to Mr. Google for explanation.

Well, below are some of the abbreviations you might have seen but don’t know what they mean:
TMI: Too much information
TTYL: Talk to you later
TBH: To be honest
BRB: Be right back
XOXO: Hugs and kisses
BTW: By the way
CU: See you
IMO: In my opinion
L8R: Later
?4U: I have a question for you
121: One-to-one (private chat initiation)
143: I love you
2G2BT: Too good to be true
2M2H: Too much too handle
2MI: Too much information
2MOR: Tomorrow
404: I don’t know
420: Let’s get high/Marijuana
6Y: Sexy
AFC: Away from computer
AFAIAA: As far as I am aware
AFAIC: As far as I am concerned
AFAIK: As far as I know
IKR: I know right
ALOL: Actually laughing out loud
AMA: Ask me anything (Reddit)
AMAP: As much as possible
AMBW: All my best wishes
BAO: Be aware of
BAS: Big ‘butt’ smile
BASOR: Breathing a sigh of relief
BAU: Business as usual
BAY: Back at ya
HTH: Hope this helps
IB: I’m back
IC: I see
IMAO: Laughing my ass off? / In my arrogant opinion
ISO: In search of
ITYK: I thought you knew
IWIAM: Idiot wrapped in a moron
KOC: Kiss on cheek
KOS: Kill on sight
LHM: Lord help me
LMIRL: Lets meet in real life
LTD: Living the dream
MFI: Mad for it
MFW: My face when
MIRL: Me in real life
NIGI: No i get it
OMW: On my way
OOH: Out of here
OOML: Out of my life
POV: Point of view
RYS: Are you single
SAT: Sorry about that
SBIA: Stand back in amazement
SOL: Sooner or later
SYS: See you soon
SYL: See you later
VBS: Very big smile
VN: Very nice
W/B: Welcome Back
WAJ: What a jerk
WAH: Working at home
WOA: Work of art
WTG: Way to go
X: kiss
YF: Wife
YGG: Young go girl
YG: Young gentleman
YHBT: You have been trolled
ZZZZ: Sleeping
ZOT: Zero Tolerance
FYI: For Your Information
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
TGIF: Thank God Its A Friday
SMFH: Shaking My F**king Head
TBT: Throw Back Thursday
GF: Girlfriend
BF: Boyfriend
So many abbreviations exist, we can’t write them all. But how many of this abbreviations do you know before from the list above. How many do you constantly use?
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.