Vyper Ranking has proved over time that ranks very high when it comes to Dancehall Music. He has released a number of hit songs like ‘Bimaala’ featuring Cindy Sanyu.

Vyper Ranking who is now signed to Bantu Entertainment Africa just dropped a brand new video for his latest single, ‘Sivawo’ that was shot by Visan Magic in Buziga.

It is a different touch from the singer who is out to prove that he is versatile. The song defines the versatility because it is a totally different vibe from those he has been doing and he is sure they will love it.

‘Sivawo’ was dropped a month ago and it is his second song Vyper ranking has dropped this year. His first song was a collaboration with Fik Fameica, Kent and flosso and Coco Finger on a tune called Go Down.

Watch the video here