The chilly morning weather on Friday had threatened to spoil the party mood at Galaxy FM offices in Kansanga, it didn’t. The bazzinyi prayed to God and soon the clouds cleared, the party began in ‘robadoba style’.

The muchomo smoke hovered around the area as artiste Angella Katatumba and John Blaq arrived to add colour to the already amplified party mood.

The new Zzina towers look etremely elegant, imposing, polished and awesome and soon staffers climbed to the third floor to to joint the three-fold party that included celebrating one million facebook likes, birthday celebrattion for the chief Muzzinyi Innocent Nahabwe and the grand openning of the maginifiecnt Zzina towers that overlook Kansanga.

Clad in white tshirts, the bazzinyi sang along as the cake was cut before descending on the pilao and goat meat served at the picturisque roof top.Drinks were on the house and the speeches were limited to achiements and plans ahead.

“When Corona came the plan to build had already been conceived,but corona showed us that we plan but God decides ,we squeezed whatever we had to because we had postponed the dream.we really thank our employees and patners for sacrificing whatever they could to make sure we go ahead and make sure the dream doesnt die.Nahabwe the Galaxy” CEO said.

”the social media platforms have essentially liberalised the airwaves,everybody wherever they are can operate almost as much as the radio do,so media practicioners must find a way to fit into the reality where our presevers to be in total control of the airwaves .
facebook,twitter and utube allow us make that bold step into an extention of the frequency we already have.he added”.

Were are known for being stress free and party animals, and Covid19 lockdown effects have denied us the chance to hold the annual ZZina beach canival but the celebration on Friday to a large extent brought out our celebration character… cheers to the big years ahead.