Lugaflo rapper Gravity Omutujju has cemented his name among the young city landlords after unveiling his soon to be completed bonking pad in Buziga.
Gravity took to his Facebook and posted the pics of his five bed-roomed mansion as he celebrated success. He took time off to advice fellow yuts to wake up and spend their hard earned dime wisely.
“You should invest, it’s good, Don’t blow up your money. My 2nd house in Buziga” his caption reads. The crib is valued at around UGX 200M.
Gravity who started hustling at the age of 17, came to limelight in 2011 after redoing late Paul Kafeero’s track titled “Walumbe Zaaya”.
![Gravity's bonking nest nears completion](
The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below