Barbie Kyagulanyi still has highs hopes of becoming first lady one day.
In a more encouraging message posted on her official Instagram account Barbie Kyagulanyi has in a special way sent hubby Robert Kyagulanyi a message of hope a month after loosing out on the 2021 presidential election.

Prior to the highly contested elections that led to the shut down of internet all over the country,Mrs Kyagulanyi had been put on the pedestal as the next likely first lady of Uganda.

However as fate would have it Bobi Wine never managed to unsit the incumbent and thus Mrs Kyagulanyi’s dream of becoming Uganda’s first lady fell on a flat nose.

As a man you would understand that Bobi Wine must have been disappointed for failing to take his lovely wife to Entebbe mu Ntebe even after several reassuring statements/slogans like ‘we are removing a dictator’.

Of course deep down her heart Mrs Kyagulanyi knew it very well that her husband was up against a mission he would never accomplish atleast not when Museveni is still in charge of all the government institutions like the army, court and parliament.

And this kind of self awareness can be reflected from a post barbie made yesterday evening where she was seen both not only consoling Bobi Wine but also encouraging him to stay positive despite all the hardships he has go through.

”I’ll just tell you this: YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH. Strong enough…To handle hard things.To handle this next thing.To stand your ground and speak up.YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH” Mrs Kyagulanyi posted on her Instagram.
In the same related topic Mrs Kyagulanyi also took off time to encourage her followers by posting a simple inspirational message on her Instagram
”Passed by to remind you to write down your new week POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS!A set of affirmation statements helps you to highlight one specific goal! Reading them one after the other daily all week gives you courage to work towards that one goal”

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below