NUP’s Aloysius Mukasa to face court over lack of academic credentials
Euginia Nassolo has dragged MP-elect for Rubaga South constituency Aloysius Mukasa to court over forged academic papers.

Represented by Alaka & Co Advocates, which is also the same firm pursuing Muhammad Ssegirinya and some other challenged NUP MPs-elect, the wealthy Nassolo asserts that Mukasa sat S6 exams but didn’t credibly qualify for the mandatory UNEB certificate which is the required minimum for one to qualify for the office of MP.
She claims that as somebody who passed only Fine Art (in which he scored a C equaling 4 points), Mukasa didn’t qualify for the UACE certificate because he is an academic dwarf who failed to get the required 2 principal passes.
Available information shows that Mukasa did his S4 at Lubiri SS and scored as follows: 6 in English, 7 in Geography, 6 in Mathematics, 6 in Physics, 4 in Chemistry, 3 in Biology, 3 in Technical Drawing, 6 in Commerce and 6 in Office Practice.
In January parliamentary polls, Euginia Nassolo garnered 12,893 votes against Mukasa’s 49,501.

However, NUP’s Aloysius Mukasa says he is sure that all his qualifications are impeccably authentic and he will be ready to corroborate that before the Judge. The curiously-wealthy Mukasa has also vowed not to be distracted by the likes of Kato Lubwama who recently claimed the new Rubaga South MP has Kifeesi background.
He further adds that he can’t lose sleep over the electoral petition Princess Euginia Nassolo (of DP) has filed in the Kampala High Court seeking to nullify his election victory. Mukasa, a leading funder of NUP activities, says he is ready to put his tormentors to shame and says the day he will speak in court giving evidence to defend himself,
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
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