Prophet Elvis Mbonye celebrated his 44th birthday in a pomp and splendor Gala. The Gala attracted some of the biggest politicians, media personalities and public figures in the country without forgetting the remnants.
Former presidential candidates Norbert Mao and Joseph Kabuleta were some of the public figures in attendance.
The celebrations that were virtual saw only a few guests who were specially invited by the prophet in attendance as many others watched on Digital platforms like Facebook and Youtube.
The celebration was kicked off with a performance from Zoe Melodies who sung ‘This is the day that the Lord has made before other mega performances from gospel music gladiators like Ruyonga.
The Gala that went on for three straight hours was charactarised with rejoicing by singing praise and worship songs.
Also at the Gala, a movie in honour of Prophet Mbonye was premiered and this left the remnants in a happy mood as they couldn’t to watch their own on giant screens.
Prophet Elvis Mbonye gave a brief sermon before cutting the cake to mark the celebrations. He noted that that would be the last time his birthday is celebrated virtually as the ban on public gatherings will be lifted soon.
The celebrations were climaxed with performances from Zoe melodies.
See some of the photos from the Gala below.

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