Prim Asiimwe, Fik Fameica, Crysto Panda stormed the NTV Mix Show on Friday to unveil Bell Lager’s new campaign dubbed Mpola Enjoyments. The singers were joined by radio host/social media influencer Prime Asiimwe for a lit experience.
The singers turned up the show when they performed both their latest and all-time bangers which gave viewers no option but to turn their living rooms into dance floors.
Mpola Enjoyments is about having fun, but doing so in a chill, laid back way without the pressure to be in a bar or a club. Through this campaign, Bell Lager is urging consumers to have a good time anytime, anywhere, as long as they have their friends around and have some good music, some drinks and some games.

Among other activities, the Mpola Enjoyments will feature Mpolasessions, which will be small intimate musical sessions with selected artists for their genuine fans. The artists will put on live performances and have interactive moments with the fans, where they will share their musical journey, the inspiration behind various songs, the meaning behind some of the lyrics and so on
The campaign will also feature Mpola Playlists, Mpola House Haree, Mpola Hangouts, among others.

Speaking of campusers, Mpola Enjoyments will be taken directly to university students through Campus Storms driven primarily through the silent disco mechanic in hostel premises. Upon entry, every guest will have to have a face mask, temperature taken and hands sanitized and security checks will be held before the event and bouncers will be in place to enforce the necessary guidelines.
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