Alexander Bagonza alias A Pass has in the past had a record of losing out on women to other men.
The women A Pass has lost to other men include Flavia Tumusiime, Anitah Fabiola and Martha Kay is in the pipeline.
The latest addition to this list is Toro Princess Komuntale who got married to American boyfriend Anthony Phil in the US. As pictures of the wedding and King Oyo pulling strokes with Komuntale were released on social media, A Pass revealed he had fallen for the Tooro princess.
According to A Pass, he had been trying to get intimate with Tooro princess Ruth Komuntale since losing Flavia Tumusiime to Andrew Kabuura and that he now feels cheated by life. “Why always me?” the singer, popularly known as A Pass, cried out to friends in Kireka. “I thought I had landed something even better after Flavia did me in but now the princess is also swiii – just like that.” He lamented.

“I burnt all my data on her Instagram and was due to record a song praising her. This is so sad. Life is a cheat,” he added.
Too bad for you cry baby Alexander Bagonza. We wish you best of luck on Martha Kay.
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