HEAVEN ON EARTH: Inside Pastor TB Joshua’s Billion Dollar Gold Plated House

The month of June came as a big surprise to all born gains plus the entire christian fraternity as Nigeria’s celebrated man of God Prophet TB Joshua breathed his last and went to meet his creator.

However at the height of his mourning, there is a video that has been recorded showing how richly God has blessed his servant for 57 years he has been on earth.

The short video shows a multi million mansion that prophet TB Joshua has been living in ever since he began serving the lord.

In the video making rounds on social media, it is clear that the man of God has been a true representative of God on earth as his house is all filled with Gold and silver.

The walls, the chairs, the tables and the doors are all plaited with Gold. It is hard to imagine how much the man of God spent on the interior decor of the house but a single glance on the mansion will make you have an understanding of how wealthy and richly blessed he was.


Watch video below;
