Last week on Wednesday, Bobi Wine came out and skinned fellow artists for dining with a Military 4-star General, Salim Saleh in Gulu.
In a rant post on his Facebook page which has since garnered over 45k likes, 12k comments and 2.9k shares , Bobi Wine belittled all the artists who met with Sevo’s kid bro. Without singling out any name, Bobi Wine branded them beggars and of course gave his reasons.

With in a few hours, his renown nemesis Bebe Cool had already responded to him much as he wasn’t among the artists who met Gen. Saleh. Bebe Cool punched holes in Bobi’s rant post and deemed it personal. He said that the former Kyadondo East MP only commented negatively on the issue because of music legend and lifetime competitor Jose Chameleone.
READ ALSO; Bebe Cool claims Bobi Wine’s begging skills are on international levels
Well, Bebe’s argument now seemingly holds water. No artists among those who met with Gen. Saleh has been bashed, criticized and demeaned from all corners like Chamili. Literally the Nekolera Maali star is the one carrying the burden and heavy cross for the likes of Feffe Bussi, King Saha, Pallaso, Kabako Ziza Bafana and many others for trying to not only organize the music industry but also lobby for them some funds and relief in this lock down.
We all know musicians have spent about one and half years grassing without performing since the government banned public gathering and music shows. In fact some of these ‘begging’ artists reached out to the community and gave out food relief during the first lock down. They have literally used all their life savings!

World over relief aid is given out by governments to people whose businesses have been affected and here in Uganda currently Gen. Saleh is the head of wealth creation. Saleh has not only financially bailed out artists… and meeting him for any assistance is not a crime- if it is a crime then i stand to be corrected.
A section of opposition-leaning supporters have turned the ‘Gulu meeting political.’ Probably they fear that these artists will use their influence to turn against Bobi Wine after cashing in.
READ ALSO; Kato Lubwama applauds Bobi’s begging skills but cautions him
Sometimes, we need to draw the fair line. For someone like Bobi who has ripped big from blame politics cannot understand how his fellows are doing financially and psychologically. Worthy to note is that most of these artists he is belittling openly rallied support for him when he ran for Presidency.
Instead let him come up with a financial solution for them in this pandemic period and see if they will run to the Military general to ‘beg’ as he claims.

It should be also remembered that while in parliament, the Katengo singer did nothing significant for the Ugandan music industry with a history of raising a zero motion about music.
Reading Bobi Wine’s whining post all you can see is selfishness, greed, exaggeration feeling of importance, entitlement and lack of empathy. Not forgetting, he is also one of the very few artists who once benefited from Gen. Kale Kaihura, Jennifer Musisi and Gen. Saleh’s deep pockets before.
READ ALSO; Bobi Wine stings musicians visiting Gen.Saleh in Gulu. Brands them beggars
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.