Fefe busi Exposes Greedy Musicians In New Latest Video Gulu
Alot has been said about General Salim Saleh’s intention to save and organize the Uganda’s music industry.
It should be remembered that ever since the pandemic struck Uganda, musicians havev’t been able to work for close to two years as shows and concerts were banned by president Museveni.
Perhaps as a way of easing the financial stress caused by the luck of concerts and shows General Salim Saleh together with his operation Wealth creation intiative decided to come through and offer stimulus packages to all local musicians who have been badly hit by the pandemic.
To do this the highly decorated soldier advised singers to go back and form associations so that he suppuirts them in groups rather than dishing out money to individuals.
As you might have witnessed last month, the general’s advise seems to have brought more chaos among musicians as many broke away from the Uganda musician association which for a long time had been their Umbrella to form their new associations like the Uganda super stars association.
It from this back ground that on the day that all musicians were supposed to meet General Saleh, Gulu witnessed unpaid for drama as more than one association turned up to meet the highly decorated soldier.
As expected a number of musicians turned up to get apart of Saleh’s money & renown locall rapper Fefebusi was among them.
Having experience first hand the chaos and greed exposed by the musicians while in Gulu, the highly talented rapper went straight to studio and recorded a massive banger narrating what transpired on the fateful day all musicians embarked on the long journey to Gulu
In the video, a seemingly relaxed and happy Fefebusi uses kids to represent some of the Artist that went to meet up with the big man but it is his execution and choice of words that will get you shavers on this one
Listen and Enjoy;

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below