Singer Juliana Kanyomozi disagreed with Salvador who claimed one can’t keep beer in a fridge without drinking it just like white people.

Patrick Salvado claimed that black people lack self-regulation/control when it comes to alcohol consumption as opposed to ‘whites’. The comedian wondered how they stock beer and only consume a bottle at a time, not all of it at once.  “But how do white people manage to stock beer in their fridge, drink one bottle and not get the temptation to drink 20 more that day?” he inquired through his social media platforms.

Singer Juliana Kanyomozi was quick to clap back by telling Salvador that it has nothing to do with race. She said she is not ‘white’ but can take months without picking a bottle from her fully stocked fridge. Why? She has other obsessions and one of them is tea. “I always have a beer, wines, spirits, etc in the house. But I can take even four months without touching any of it. And I am not white.,” the diva quoted Salvado’s tweet. 

Both submissions left their followers divided with some claiming Juliana is right and they practice exactly what she does while others said she is not a heavy drinker to have a clear idea of what Salvado is going on about. 

It should be noted that according to a 2014 Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health, an average Ugandan consumer takes over 20 liters of alcohol a year and 4% of the population are occasional drinkers consuming slightly over six bottles a month.

The same year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that there were two billion drinkers globally.