Police have cautioned the newly formed opposition pressure group, the People’s Front for Transition (PFT) against holding processions without clearance from police.
Last week opposition politicians from selected parties joined forces in a pressure group with the aim of ousting President Museveni and the regime.
The group is led by opposition strongman Kiiza Besigye with opposition parties like JEEMA,FDC,PPP among others on board.
The group plans to launch activities in various parts of the country protesting the leadership of the head of state.
However, police spokesperson Fred Enanga has warned of stern action against them should they fail to adhere to requirements under public order Management Act POMA or Ministry of Health guidelines.
He explains :“ We will only respect the right of people to assemble only if they have the full proof of their clearance from the Ministry of Health,all meetings and assemblies are still restricted under the public health orders that in place due to the existence of Covid in the country. ,”
Enanga says : “We shall also need proof of their peaceful means through observing the provisions of the Public Order Management Act. Yes section 8 on the powers of IGP authorized officer was suspended but other provisions of the law on notice of public meetings by authorized officers still stand,”
He noted that before any meeting is cleared to go on, the organisers must on top of the clearance from Ministry of Health show proof of clearance from the venue, traffic plan, time, location and any other details of the planned meeting.
“It is their duty to inform police of the date, time, location and consent of the venue, number of persons and purpose of the meeting They also have a duty to adhere to the criteria for public meetings like, traffic flow plan, sufficient number of stewards proportionate to the number of people gathering,”
Minah Nalule