Golola Moses is a part of a movie cast titled, “Rwenzori, The Mountains of the Moon” that is to be premiered on the 26th of November in Fort Portal during the Ekyooto Ha Mpango festival.
The movie’s storyline is a 9-day fact-finding hike to the snowcapped Margherita Peak, Mt. Rwenzori’s highest point measuring 5,109 meters (16,762 ft)) tall, filled with adventure, anxiety, mixed emotions, pain, comedy, and the sweet feeling of victory.
The cast includes UTB’s CEO, Ms. Lilly Ajarova, Multi International gold medalist, Joshua Cheptegei UNDP’S Associate Project Officer, Ms. Pasqa Lorna Abur, and Mr. Peter Odeke. The premier will be live on NBS Television and the Ekyooto Ha Mpango festival social media pages.
The Ekyooto Ha Mpango is a sustainable cultural and tourism event that showcases the beauty and diversity in Tooro Kingdom. It will run from the 25th to the 26th of November 2021 and includes activities like Business workshops targeting Tourism and Agribusinesses, A business Expo, Adventure sports activities that include a boat regatta, cycling and marathon, a fashion show, movie premier and climaxes into a mega virtual cultural music festival.
Registration for active participation is ongoing at www.ekyoototooro.com and the festival call and WhatsApp line, 0777 564997.
The Ekyooto Ha Mpango festival is sponsored by UNDP in partnership with Tooro Kingdom, The
Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Uganda Tourism
Board, NBS, Capital FM, Talent Africa Group,Tooro Tourism, Heritage and Conservation Board,
National Forestry Authority, KRC, Plascon, Movit, Microfinance Support Centre, BRAC, House of Deejays and Pet-A-Tree.
Golola Moses is a Champion Kickboxer, a celebrity entertainer and actor.
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