Slay queens exchange heavy blows over a rich guy inside a shopping mall
A video going viral on social media captures two ladies fighting each other over a boyfriend issue.
The two ladies threw all decorum to the wind and attacked each other mercilessly whilst a fellow lady gleefully recorded it for us on social media to enjoy.

According to comments attached to this video, the side chic and the main chick bumped into each other inside the shopping mall and decided to settle their differences by exchanging heavy blows.
The lady, who appeared too strong, firmly held her opponent, refusing to let her go.

Interestingly, some people were busy recording the drama on their phones instead of trying to separate them from embarrassing themselves.

Well, many modern ladies nowadays have refused to work and solely rely on men for their well being, hence they will do anything to protect their territories.
Watch video; Slay

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below