Releasing Oulanyah burial money

Members of Parliament from the Acholi Parliamentary caucus are furious with the government for stalling burial arrangements for the deceased former Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Jacob Oulanyah

The MPs allege that the government has failed to release monies meant for properly facilitating the burial arrangements despite the ongoing processes.

Last week the Ministry of Finance reduced the budget for Oulanyah’s burial from 1.8 to 1.2 billion. The Junior Minister of Finance for General duties Henry Musasazi revealed that the budget was slashed further because that is all the money available to the National Organizing Committee for burial of the fallen Speaker.

However, Akol says if funds are not made available by Monday at 12:00 noon, the government should not bother transporting the Oulanyah’s body to Omoro for burial.

“Even the money for burial has not been released u to now, If President Museveni and his leadership think they are not ready for the burial, let them finish with Kololo function but don’t take the body to Omoro to embarrass the local organizing committee who are doing their best, let them keep the body here the burial can be arranged later. Or if they can’t provide the money, we can bury our son. Akol said

“We are giving government up to midday tomorrow, let the President come with his donation that his moving around with to finalise and fund the burial of the late Oulanyah,” he added

Omugenzi Jacob Oulanyah

Catherine Lwamaka, the Woman MP Omoro District says to date the committee has failed to renovate the road leading up to the deceased’s residence in Lalogi Subcounty, besides not being able to clear the compound to receive the mourners.

She claims that the government is misallocating its priorities to cater for fuel for VVIP’s instead.

As we speak now, work has stalled in Omoro district. The compound is not ready to receive mourners, the prayer grounds are not leveled, and we are here in the budget allocating money for VVIP’s to go for burial and yet we cannot allocate fuel to clear the ground.It is very unfortunate.” she complained

Releasing Oulanyah burial money

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi the Gulu District MP says the Bwola dancers were distressed when they arrived on Friday to receive the deceased but the government failed to cater for their accommodation and facilitation.

“There was a budget for them to accommodate, transport and feed them here but they are yet to receive even a scent up to today.” he said

Geofrey Feta the Ayivu County Mp says thousands of mourners in Muyenga are left to go hungry because food is unavailable for them.

“As we speak, even in Muyenga, mourners are starving, we are struggling to feed mourners, about 1000 people are there but they cannot be fed, we cannot see the tents they talked about,”Feta xplained .