The Director Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI), Dr Jackson Oryem has revealed that the fallen Speaker of Parliament Hon Jacob Oulanyah Emeritus was hit by several complications that catalyzed his demise.

Oryem while delivering a a medical report on the late Rt Hon Jacob Oulanyah at the Kololo Ceremonial Grounds told mourners that the deceased was battling cancer called Lymphoma at stage 3, but failed to receive treatment because his bone marrow was not functional.

He confirms that the late was diagnosed with cancer in October 2019 when he discovered a lump on his neck that was later confirmed to be cancerous and removed in Germany.

“He sought a second opinion privately in Germany where he was reviewed and a biopsy was taken showing he had Lymphoma, at stage 3 , he stayed there and received to cycles of the six for treatment and returned,” he says

He says Oulanyah was placed on cancer treatment and received six cycles in Germany until February, 2020 when countries locked down due to Covid 19 pandemic.

According to Oryem, he was first approached by in late February 2020, when he was stranded and in need of assistance in treating the cancer. Oulanyah reportedly confided in Oryem about his health status and a team of doctors from Mulago was instituted to start chemotherapy treatment on him.

“I went to his home, he wanted to know what it takes to treat the disease, I looked at the information from Germany and agreed with the treatment, He was supposed to get a stem cell transplant after receiving the cycles of chemotherapy, we gave him the last four cycles and he was doing great,”he explained

After six cycles of treatment, in June 2020, Oryem says there was no more evidence of cancer in Oulanyah’s system and he was asked to proceed to do a stem cell transplant to completely get rid of it in Germany but yh.

“In our practice, the person who stages the treatment is the best to finish it , but the lock down was still on, so we increased for him an additional cycle and do the re-staging, and our outcome was remarkable, he was completely out of remission that means there was no evidence of the cancer and that was around May to June, “he said

However, Oulanyah got busy until seven months later when another cancerous lump appeared on the same spot. Oryem says he was put on two more cycles of treatment but disappeared again in May 2021.

“He said that he was undergoing an evaluation by a surgeon and I asked to talk to the Surgeon,and we agreed that he needed to do the same biopsy to ascertain if it is the same cancer or not, and it was positive ,so we restarted him on second line treatment.that was in April to May 2021, but he got busy again” he added

Oryem says months later, he received another call from the deceased saying he had been admitted after undergoing another surgery for hernia he suffered. He says the condition was complicated because the gut was obstructed.

“And that meant that we completely had a different situation, he was very ill and couldn’t eat, everything was coming through the vein,including his feeding.Now , the cancer issue takes a back seat because the emergency is saving him.And to cut the long story short,immediately an arrangement was made and he was airlifted to Dubai he explained

Oryem says the surgery was handled properly in Dubai but the underlying illness was till pending, he returned from Dubai in August 2021 after receiving treatment for cancer,  He says they proceeded with cycles of Cancer treatment until October when he dissapeared again.

Oryem says he received the last call about his health  from the Minister for Health Jane Ruth Aceng in January, saying he was admitted in Mulago. He says the deceased was later transferred to USA for further treatment but he died from organ failure before receiving cancer treatment.