Kings of Zzzina mix Lubiri high school tell the public to cut it’s students some slack as they were “merely having a simple dance”
Over the weekend, social media enormously erupted into blue flames after a video of students allegedly belonging to Lubiri High School were seen erotically dancing inside a school bus that was rented out to them by Midland High School.

On seeing the trending video making rounds on social media platforms, netizens jumped onto the bandwagon and began castigating Lubiri High School for being a breeding ground for immoral behavior among kids.

What left most people flabbergasted about the video was the fact that the students seen in the video dancing in an erotic manner could have been having live s#x as a good number of them were spotted carrying each other while imitating different bonking styles.

And now after a week of receiving constant criticism on social media, the management of Lubiri High School apologized about the indecent behavior of their students on the bus but went ahead to stress that nothing other than dancing took place aboard the carrier.

“There is a video circulating on social media involving alleged misconduct of students on Midland High School bus. As Lubiri High School, however, we apologize to Midland High School where we hired the school bus and to the public at large for the alleged misconduct. The students on board belong to our school. They had gone for an agricultural show in Jinja. As Lubiri High School, we take a stand on the actions taken in the video to be just a mere dance of which is part of the school’s co-curricular activities. Investigations are underway in regards to the matter,” a statement by Lubiri High School read.
Kings of Zzzina mix Lubiri high says students were “just dancing”

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below