Zzina skills on display at Itanda Falls as revellers swap saliva, enjoy Nyash live and tents Nyege Nyege all night long
Arguably one of Uganda’s most fun-filled events of the year, the Nyege Nyege Festival is happening throughout the weekend.

The highly publicised event began on Thursday and one could tell that it was destined to be a massive get-together, given the attention it received a week before it’s approval from the authorities.

People from all walks of life have poured themselves in Jinja City to enjoy four 4 days of fun, happiness and s#x.

Already pictures and videos taken by our snoops on ground reveal how revellers spent the night away having fun in tents and nearby bushes.

One of the videos shared by our photographers, shows a couple kissing and cuddling in the dark while other guys look around for an opportunity to pounce and have the fun.

A report from vendors reveals that over 1,000 condoms have so far been sold since Friday. That number is expected to increase to over 5,000 by Monday .

Zzina skills on display at Itanda Falls as revellers swap saliva, enjoy Nyash live and tents Nyege Nyege all night long

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below