Over sixty students at Kabale Brainstorm High school in Southern Division in Kabale Municipality have been affected after a vicious fire gutted two dormitories on Tuesday afternoon.
The ravaging fire that reportedly started at 2:30 pm, spread through Kaguta and Lumumba Boys’ dormitories reducing property and documents to ashes. The damaged storied building is reportedly owned by local businessmen, Erasmus Habasa and Alex Baguma.
School authorities have confirmed that no injuries or fatalities were registered as students were attending lessons at the time.
It has been alleged by learners that two senior four students first realized the fire outbreak when they saw smoke coming out of the three-storied building where the dormitories are located.
Students say that the fire reduced their property including beds and books among others to ashes. They said the incident would gravely affect the candidates whose property, especially books were completely burnt.
The police fire and rescue team first struggled to put out the fire because the fire tender failed to access the school premises due to the small gate.
Elly Maate, the Kigezi region police spokesperson, says police are yet to establish the cause of the fire, adding that investigations are ongoing.
This is not the first time fire is gutting Kabale Brainstorm High School. In October 2018, a fire gutted Ariho 1 Boys’ dormitory at the same school. Tuesday’s incident also occurred a day after fire ravaged timber stores in Mundeeba, Lower Bugongi ward, Northern Division, Kabale municipality.