Free To Bonk: Minister Kitutu Granted Bail

The Anti Corruption court has on Friday afternoon granted a cash bail of 10 million shillings to the embattled Karamoja Affairs Minister Hon Mary Goretti Kitutu.

Court presided over by chief Magistrate, Joan Aciro agreed to the bail request after the accused presented three substantial sureties including; Hon. Gidudu Mafabi, 75, Minister state for elderly; Hon. Wakoli Godfrey MP Butiru county, Manafwa district and Christopher Werike MP Bubulo West County, Manafwa district, all friends. They each got bond of 200 million shillings, non cash.

Kitutu’s legal counsel Byamukama Jude had earlier requested court to carry out the session without media coverage but their plea was declined by her Worship Aciro.

Free To Bonk: Minister Kitutu Granted Bail

The State representative Jonathan Muganga did not object to the bail request.

Kitutu was sent to the coolers on Thursday last week on two counts of of loss of public property and one count of conspiracy to defraud .

On Wednesday she appeared for her bail ruling but the presiding chief Magistrate declined to grant it on grounds that her four sureties did not provide proof of their financial capabilities which is requirement for one to stand surety of anyone. Only, Seth Wambede the Mbale North MP was found substantial since his income as a legislator is known.

Her Worship Aciro ordered the minister to look for new substantial sureties before adjourning the matter to April 14, 2023.

Meanwhile, Kitutu’s brother Michael Naboya Kitutu was also given a cash bail of Shs3 million and his three sureties were each bonded 100 million, non-cash.

The case was adjourned till 27th April 2023.

Free To Bonk: Minister Kitutu Granted Bail

Compiled by Rashidah Nakaayi