Songstress Martha Mukisa has succumbed to pressure and said sorry to her fans after she unknowingly flashed her slashed sumbie on stage.

The shameful incident happened while she was thrilling the audience during David Lutalo’s Nalongo concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala last Friday.

By the time Martha stepped on stage after the first around of Lutalo’s performance at around 11:00pm, her black pants were already torn. No one would have known they were until she decided to lift her legs while performing.

She dismissed claims that it was a stunt to promote her new song Ettama, meaning cheeks, explaining that it was an accident.

“My fans who have been following me for a while know that I cannot do such a thing. I did not see the hole in my pants while at home. I was surprised on seeing the hole on social media the following day. I am so sorry,“ Martha apologised during an interview.

She added that Ettama was already in the pipeline in the studio before the incident at Lutalo’s show.