ForteBet clients in Mbale, Nakaloke and Kapchorwa may never forteget last weekend after bagging lots of gifts. Over 1000 clients received at least a gift from ForteBet.The gifts, among others, included phones, jerseys, t-shirts, pens and wristbands. ForteBet also gave out reflector jackets to bodaboda riders in Mbale in a bid to reduce their chances of being knocked, especially during the night.All the gifts were handed
over by ForteBet brand ambassador, Alex Muhangi together with John Nanyumba, the company’s media manager.“ForteBet has done for us something we shall never forget. I can confirm that I am getting a ForteBet reflector jacket for the third time. I feel so great, thank you so much,” one Jamil Musafu, a bodaboda cyclist said on behalf of his colleagues just after receiving the jackets.Below is a full pictorial;