Kabalagala police have launched investigations into circumstances under which an 18- year- old boy drowned at Ggaba landing site, Makindye division, Kampala District.

The teenager identified as Ntanda Owen is believed to be dead because since the incident happened on the evening of July 09th, 2024, efforts to locate him on the waters of L. Victoria have been futile.

Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson says the deceased was a boat sailor but on that fateful day he visited the beach with his buddies to have fun. Assumed to be in the company of three others, the friends went for a swim at about 05:45 pm in the lake waters, however he never returned.

Onyango explains that the friends reported the matter to Gaba police upon realizing Ntanda was missing. The police consequently alerted Marine officers who started a search operation.
Onyango says police marine and the community were faced with the challenge of bad weather due to heavy rains in their rescue mission.

In May this year, the government issued a warning in those water bodies about a worrying increase in water levels. The Minister of Water and Environment Sam Cheptoris, while at the Uganda Media Center mentioned that the water level of Lake Victoria, has risen to its highest level.

He explained that the water level in Lake Victoria has increased to 13.66 meters, up from 13.5 meters in 2020.

He further explained the rationale behind the increase saying Lake Victoria is receiving water from 23 rivers and a number of countries within the region, which are currently experiencing El Nino rains. The government also asked locals occupying land on lake shores and river banks to vacate.

The meteorological department has also continuously issued warnings to fishermen and travelers on heavy waves and winds especially in parts of Central and Southern Uganda.