Police in Kampala have nabbed several people engaged in running battles with security operatives following an illegal consultation meeting organized by political leaders on evictions.

Both the military and police operatives have deployed heavily in Kasokoso in Kira Division, Wakiso District and the surrounding areas, firing teargas and dispersing forming crowds . 

Locals were mobilized on Wednesday by Kira Municipality Member of Parliament Ssemujju Nganda, Nakawa East MP Ronald Balimwezo, and Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, to discuss and find solutions to pending eviction issues. The protests were triggered by evictions related to ongoing efforts by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to address wetland encroachment and concerns over the construction of the Southern Expressway.

According to MP Ssemujju, the meeting was intended to be a consultative session addressing local concerns

“As leaders who have a duty to the people we represent, we came here to brief them on how we are handling this matter. We are all working day and night,” Ssemujju stated.

He accused security operatives of having ulterior motives, alleging that they plan to occupy the land from which locals are being evicted.

“Recently you saw police, because their numbers have grown and they have nowhere to sleep, they were also taking advantage of victims to repress them.) You will see that wherever they chased people, they will be the ones staying there.” he noted 

Ssemujju also expressed concerns over the construction of the Southern Bypass, explaining that it would lead to land loss for locals and religious institutions in his constituency without compensation. He claims that since the government ordered them not to set up any developments based on plans to construct the expressway ,they haven’t been able to construct good infrastructure to date .

“People were told in 2010 not to develop their areas because they were going to be compensated. Fourteen years later, they haven’t been compensated. Where there were schools, they are no longer there. People are living a very miserable life.” the vocal legislator asserted

The MP further addressed the ongoing evictions by NEMA, suggesting that some actions are based on misunderstandings.

“NEMA seems to think every lowland is a wetland. We need a gazette to clarify where the wetlands start and end. They are issuing threats even for privately owned lands with titles,” he explained.

Ssemujju criticized the deployment of the military for issues of law and order, arguing that their constitutional duty is to safeguard Uganda’s borders.

“I don’t know what they are doing here. Maybe they think Uganda is somewhere in another country because why should the military be deployed for matters of law and order?” he questioned.

Despite the heavy security presence and disruptions, Ssemujju and other leaders remained determined. “If they want us to stay here all day, we will stay,” he stated.