The Prime Minister Dinah Wambi 24 third year BBA student was elected on May 5, 2024. The three horse race was hotly contested, Dina won with 167 votes, Musa Kalikolaki came second with 140 votes and lastly Jovia Naluyima with 102 votes.

The handover ceremony took place on July 17 at Dirifika Country Resort located in Ntinda zone, Nakibizzi in Njeru municipality, Buikwe district.

The swearing in was conducted by Counsel Wilberforce Bwambale according to Article 88 of the guild constitution 2023 as amended.

Incoming swearing in

The outgoing Prime Minister Rev Pastor Emmanuel Kireri thanked Jesus for enabling him serve to the expectations of the students, the management of the campus among other stakeholders. He highlighted his achievements during his tenure; acquired 30 functional computers following his request to the Principal MUBS through the Director MUBS Jinja campus Dr Veronica Mukyala, extended Wifi for the learners, he appealed to the incoming his successor to make follow up on the letter detailing tuition waiver for the Prime Minister. He cautioned his successor on the need to follow standard operating procedures and work with relevant offices in securing guild funds. He added that listening to students issues and making informed decisions is part of good leadership. He pointed out the challenge that guild funds tend to delay and subsequently students will blame the Prime Minister but as a leader you have to clear the suspicion by  offering timely explanation to the them.

The incoming Prime Minister Dinah Wambi thanked the administration for ensuring smooth democratic transfer of power from one regime to the other and thanked EC for organizing successful elections that didn’t register any fighting or vote rigging. She  thanked her predecessor for leading the mighty campus well by being exemplary.

Kiira Region Police spokesperson James Mubi with Dean of students Norman Batwawula

The Dean of students Norman Batwawula pointed out a challenge that the guild officials tend not to utilize the full potential of the financial and legal officers by doing so it leads to his office being overwhelmed with issues or complaints that would initially be handled by the two officers.

The guest speaker SP James Mubi thanked Dr Veronica Mukyala and her team for providing conducive environment that fosters smooth co existence between the students management and the campus management and for preparing adequate leaders that are ready to take up real societal challenges society. He further appreciated the tireless efforts of the management in ensuring the growth and popularity of the campus that boosts of 5000 students. The guest speaker thanked the outgoing leadership for representing the interests and leading students well on top of demanding for their rights. His message to the new guild, was to avoid diluting leadership with placing selfish interests ahead of life of compassionate service. Adding that the new generation of leaders should phase out the bad practice where some people occupy positions of leadership when in the actual sense they are not leaders, such “leaders”  lead their people nowhere.

The deputy director Dr Moses Kisubi delivered keynote message of the chief guest Dr Veronica Mukyala who doubles as Director MUBS Jinja campus. She thanked the outgoing leadership for preparing satisfactory accountability, heaped praises for Rev Pastor Emmanuel and his committee for being hardworking, proactive, consultative and visionary.

She expressed much hope in the new leadership stating that, Dinah being a female leader and her being the head of the campus, the future is very bright. “You are not leaders by titles but your there to provide solutions to problems, if you can’t solve problems then you will be a misfortune to your voters.” she asserted.

Left – Incoming guild leadership and Right – Outgoing leadership

Dr Veronica disclosed that management took decision to decentralize guild trainings and effective July 22 guild trainings will commence.

In history
2021 – 2022 PM Gorret Mutesi
2022 – 2023 PM Shafiq Lubanga
2023 – 2024 PM Rev Pastor Emmanuel Kireri
2024 – 2025 (Incumbent) PM Dinah Wambi

She thanked security particularly Afande James Mubi for being people oriented and accountable police officer.

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