The Uganda Police Force (UPF) has again warned the public against a twisted plot to march to parliament in protest of corruption in the August House.   

Social media is awash with mobilization efforts by groups huddling together to march in large numbers on July 23rd, others, however, are advising the public not to choose violence in handling their grievances.

On Monday, the police spokesperson Rusoke Kituuma reiterated police’s stand on the matter after clarifying that they interfaced with persons interested in the protest walk. Kituuma explained to journalists during a press briefing on Monday that the police leadership had cautioned them aganist holding the protests, but to no avail. 

Kituuma said that on July 15, 2024, police issued the first warning to unknown individuals but later after the group was realized, police advised against the procession after a security assessment. 

“The mobilization called for Ugandans to occupy Kampala streets, which could cause significant traffic, trade disruptions, and public order disturbances. Individuals emerged and owned the intended march to parliament. We made attempts to dissuade the organizers from what we saw as a potentially anarchic approach following a thorough security assessment regarding the feasibility of a procession.” he said

He further reveals during a July 18, 2024, meeting with the protest organizer’s , police suggested more peaceful means of expressing dissatisfaction.

Kituuma, has now emphasized police stance against public disorder, stressing that the law and order regulation body will not tolerate any aorta of disorderly conduct on the streets of Kampala. 

Over the weekend, Museveni warned protesters that they would face the heat if they staged the an anti-corruption march to parliament.

“We are busy producing wealth… and you here want to disturb us. You are playing with fire because we cannot allow you to disturb us,” he said.

The President further implored those plotting protests on the streets to consult with Col Edith Nakalema who in 2019 organized an anti corruption walk from City Square to Kololo.