Whereas most of the attention is on Prophet Elvis Mbonye for his prophecies, behind the scenes, his renowned spiritual son Wisdom K. Peter alias The Wise Teacher is picking up the pace.

Just like the scripture puts it in John 5:19 …The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise, Wisdom K Peter’s prophecy on Norbert Mao’s romantic life will leave you completely astounded.

On 24th February 2021,  The Wise Teacher foretold Norbert Mao’s second marriage in a captivating fashion. Describing Mao as “the man of the hoe”, he said: “There’s a man in this nation who is so prominent…I want to keep him secret yet I want to give us a lead. I think based on the recent events, I will call him a man of the hoe. So you can know him as a man of the hoe. Now this man of the hoe, his romantic life is going to come into the public news very soon. And I think he’s going to fall in love again.”

And exactly 3 years later, true to The Wise Teacher’s prophecy, Norbert Mao and Beatrice Kayanja’s romantic relationship, begun to come into the public news with several tabloids reporting on the Democratic Party (DP)  president’s premarital visit to Beatrice’s parents.

The premarital visit was followed by a series of events leading to the couple’s wedding on June 1, true to the prophecy. The Wise Teacher even mentioned that she saw Beatrice wearing a Nigerian scarf, a thing that was symbolic of her coming from Mao’s DP due to the striking resemblance between the Nigerian flag and that of DP.

Such a rare divine manifestation only implies there’s more to expect from The Wise Teacher in prophecy.