Drama and tragedy unfolded on Wednesday afternoon when a UPDF Lieutenant drove to Nakirebe, stopped at a football playground, and shockingly pulled the trigger on himself.

Lt Amon Ariho, an officer in the UPDF Engineering Brigade, arrived at the scene in a sleek black car, UBJ 493 Q, just after 2 PM.

Eyewitnesses say he ordered football players to vacate the field before retrieving his SMG rifle and taking his own life.

“It’s a heartbreaking incident,” said Maj Charles Kabona, UPDF First Division Spokesperson. “Our soldiers and the police rushed to the scene, secured it, and recovered Lt Ariho’s phone and documents from his car.”

The officer’s body was taken to Mulago mortuary, while his weapon and vehicle are in Mpigi Police’s custody as investigations kick off.

“We are working to understand what pushed him to this unfortunate decision,” Kabona added

As investigations continue, the UPDF has promised to dig deep into the root cause of this incident and address mental health issues within its ranks.