Katwe police have nabbed a man allegedly caught with stolen items and opium in Ggangu C Cell, Busabala ward. The operation went down at 3:30 am on January 15, 2025.
Patrick Onyango, the KMP police spokesperson says the joint patrol team, featuring officers from Kibiri Police Station, the Gangu UPDF Detach, and vigilant local council members, cornered three suspects. But the real drama unfolded when two suspects fled faster than a boda-boda in traffic, leaving their partner in crime to face the music.
Onyango notes that a treasure trove of suspicious items was discovered, including: 10 razor-sharp knives, 2 pangas, 1 hummer, and 4 pliers, 4 master keys, 5 phones, StarTimes and Gotv decoders and a heap of personal items like 5 women’s handbags, a suitcase, and 12 sim cards.
Witnesses spilled the tea in recorded statements, while investigators grilled the lone suspect, who’s now cooling his heels at Katwe Police Station.
According to Onyango,a manhunt is on for the two slippery suspects who fled into hiding.