Police in Kampala Metropolitan have cracked down on conmen, arresting five suspects who have been issuing counterfeit receipts to unsuspecting travelers at taxi stages and outside bus parks.

Police have teamed up with bus companies to wipe out these scammers by enforcing strict measures, including: banning roadside ticket desks and selling tickets only inside official bus offices

Patrick Onyango of Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson says a massive operation is underway to hunt down more culprits. The police urge travelers to be cautious and only buy tickets from recognized bus offices to avoid falling victim.

He says the suspects have introduced alternative fake receipts that are dished to naive customers who unknowingly board buses, only to realize halfway the journey that they were duped. Onyango says people should always report anything suspicious to the nearest police station.

Onyango has further warned travelers: “Do not buy tickets from the streets, only trust official bus offices.”